Diet & Nutrition Archives - BCDiabetes

The Feast and Famine diet, a cure for diabetes?

Announcements, Food & Nutrition, Living With Diabetes, News & Media, Research, Uncategorized

  Yesterday, (2017-02-23) a study of diabetic mice was published in the journal “Cell” showing that a special “fasting mimicking diet” (FMD) for 4 days every month caused regeneration of pancreatic insulin-secreting beta cells.  As such, in mice at least, this diet has the potential to reverse both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. No […]


Dieting – Which diet is right for you?

Food & Nutrition, Research

Earlier this month, Kathryn Doyle wrote a piece for Reuters Health on diets with the headline: “Diets work, but the brand doesn’t matter.” One need not travel far into the media sphere to hear about diets – there are commercials, gurus, ‘experts’, actual experts, various programs with a wide assortment of menus from all-fat to no-fat and […]

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