Virtual Consults
We offer virtual consultation to help patients whose physical limitations make travel to the clinic impossible
A Message from Dr. Elliott:
Pharmacare’s massive decision to cover the Dexcom G6 CGM has had a tectonic effect, felt across the province and beyond. BCDiabetes estimates that up to 80,000 British Columbians are now eligible for this life-changing technology. It has had one unexpected effect, at least to your correspondent – suddenly putting price-pressure on its competitors whose devices were not covered.
Yesterday Medtronic, manufacturer of the established and Pharmacare-covered hybrid-closed loop capable MiniMed 670G & 770G pumps, announced a dramatic price reduction in its CGM. Current users of the 670G and 770G and those intending to use the 770G who have no private insurance coverage for sensors are now eligible to purchase the CGM at $99/month (including transmitter) with a one-year subscription. For more information see
Here are the steps:
We knew that our advocacy on the CGM front would eventually pay dividends. We are delighted to see how much is happening, and how quickly everything is moving.
Right now, British Columbia is likely the best place in North America to have diabetes. We’re happy to be playing a small part.
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