BCDiabetes remains fully operational during COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 crisis has changed all our lives forever.  One thing that has not changed is that BCDiabetes remains fully operational and focussed on its mission to optimize care and improve outcomes for every British Columbian living with diabetes and other endocrine conditions.

At BCDiabetes we have adapted to the crisis by fully embracing virtual care.  Virtual care means seeing your doctor and case manager from home or work or vacation place using a video app or telephone.  

Until further notice all BCDiabetes appointments will be virtual.

Our preferred method of virtual appointments will be using the video conferencing app Zoom.  All existing appointments will be changed to virtual Zoom appointments and you will be notified by email (and for those without an email address in our database by phone).  In the body of the notification email will be a hypertext link to the Zoom appointment itself and a calendar invitation that will also contain the link. If you click on the link on your desktop you will be prompted to allow an automatic download to join the virtual appointment.

If you intend to use your smartphone, download the app onto your phone by clicking on the appropriate link: (iPhone or iPad, Android).  This is a secure app – your privacy will be protected.  Other alternatives such as using Facetime, Whatsapp, Messenger, Skype and Viber are not suitable during this time as our staff will usually be in two locations: at the BCDiabetes offices or at home, observing appropriate social distancing.

To change an existing appointment or book a new appointment either email moa@bcdiabetes.ca or call our MOAs at 604-683-3734.

Yours in care,

Tom Elliott
Medical Director

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