Category: Research

CREDENCE – more evidence of benefits with SGLT2 inhibitors – write to your MLA


Today (2019-Apr-15) the results of the much anticipated CREDENCE study which examined the benefits of canagliflozin (a member of the SGLT2 inhibitor class) were presented in Melbourne, Australia. Striking benefits were shown for individuals with Type 2 diabetes-related kidney disease including a 30% reduction in progression of kidney disease, 20% reduction in cardiovascular death/heart attack/stroke […]


Statins for all?

Living With Diabetes, News & Media, Research

On February 1, 2019, the prestigious medical journal the Lancet published a meta-analysis examining potential benefits the statin and class of medication. The article confirmed and extended the powerful evidence for benefit for the use of statins in people with a previous history of heart disease, stroke and for those with diabetes.  It showed that […]


Lead toxicity – a new risk factor for heart attack and stroke?

Announcements, Research

Lead is a naturally occurring element present in soil and rock – as such lead enters the water supply by a process of leaching. Lead is easily mined and smelted & because it is soft and easily shaped lead was widely used by the ancients to make implements for eating and for drinking and for […]


Protecting patients in research: BCDiabetes receives prestigious accreditation for its research program

Announcements, Research

  In December, our research team at BCDiabetes received the welcome news that our Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), established in 2017, has been accredited by the Association of Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP). Receiving accreditation of our HRPP is a milestone for our research team, strengthening the connection of our research work […]


Mission not impossible – weight loss reverses Type 2 diabetes

Announcements, News & Media, Research

A Scottish study published today in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet showed that weight loss averaging 10 kg achieved with a total diet replacement using a 853 kcal/day packaged powder formula for 3–5 months resulted in “remission” of Type 2 diabetes in almost 50% of participants at 12 months.  Patients considered in remission had […]


Compassionate Diabetes Care

Living With Diabetes, Research

At BCDiabetes we are aware that the challenges for individuals living with diabetes are many – that it’s not as simple as eating less, exercising more, testing your blood and taking medication.  Recent research at BCDiabetes has shown that at the time of referral to a diabetes specialist patients exhibit a high level of distress […]


95 Years of Insulin & Embracing the Tech Era

Announcements, Living With Diabetes, News & Media, Research, Technology

Today marks the 95th anniversary of the first use of the word insulin by its Canadian discovers Dr. Frederick Banting and medical student Charles Best.  Four months earlier they had saved the life of 14 year old Leonard Thompson by injecting him with a pancreatic extract (containing insulin) taken from a dog.  A year later Banting […]


Anti-ageing protein injection

Announcements, News & Media, Research, Technology

No, this is not an advertisement for a skin or beauty product. A study published last week in Cell demonstrated that injections of a special fOXO4 peptide rejuvenated old mice – it restored their stamina, thickened their fur coat and improved kidney function.  Human studies are being planned.  This is intriguing stuff and may be […]


The Feast and Famine diet, a cure for diabetes?

Announcements, Food & Nutrition, Living With Diabetes, News & Media, Research, Uncategorized

  Yesterday, (2017-02-23) a study of diabetic mice was published in the journal “Cell” showing that a special “fasting mimicking diet” (FMD) for 4 days every month caused regeneration of pancreatic insulin-secreting beta cells.  As such, in mice at least, this diet has the potential to reverse both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. No […]


There is no insulin pill…. yet.

Living With Diabetes, Research

The search for a pill formulation of insulin has been long-standing.  Yesterday Novo Nordisk, the world’s biggest insulin manufacturer abandoned its efforts to make an oral form of insulin.  The obstacle was not technological it was price pressure. The pharmaceutical industry has figured out how to protect insulin from digestive juices in the stomach – […]

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